Yesterday I had the opportunity to take photographs (finally) during some pre-planned flight activities at Ursel airbase/airport. The Belgian Air Force displayed with one of the last remaining C-130 Hercules (CH-13) but due flight safety (low fire category in case of emergency) not sufficient enough for me to take pictures with background but still happy to see the last Hercules operations . The new "Razzle Blade" A109 was for me (as rotorhead) the highlight . Two F-16's from 349SQN Kleine Brogel performed nice photo opoortunities and as last the Red Devils performed in my opinion very tight formation (considering SF260 is not the easiest type). For the civilian part many unique aircraft showed their capabilities.
A big thanks to the organisation to be able to give us the joy again in our passion during these difficult times. Fingers crossed we are now in the (last) straight line to beat the Covid pandemic!